Homework provides students with opportunities to consolidate their classroom learning and involve family members in their learning.
The following homework policy has been designed based on the information above and is aligned to the QLD K-12 Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting framework.
What homework may look like:
Daily reading to, with and by parents/caregivers or other family members
Linking concepts with familiar activities such as shopping, preparation of food, local environment and family outings
Conversations about what is happening at school
Preparation for oral presentations
Consolidation of spelling and number facts
Opportunities to write for meaningful purposes
How much homework is expected?
Homework will take into consideration school events and project work, for example, homework is not usually expected on concert nights.
- In the Prep Year, generally students will bring home reading books, books from the library, sight words and number/letter sound work.
- Junior years (Year 1 to Year 3) set homework could be up to approx. 15–20 minutes per night, four nights a week. Homework tasks might include reading, writing, spelling, maths.
- Senior years (Year 4 to Year 6) homework can be completed daily or over a weekly period and may include:
- Reading, writing, spelling, maths.
- Daily independent reading
- Extension of class work, projects and research.
Homework in Year 4 to year 6 could be up to but generally not more than 2 hours per week.
Teachers are to:
- Ensure the homework policy is implemented with families.
- Clearly communicate the purpose and expectations of all homework.
- Check homework regularly, provide timely and useful feedback.
Students are to:
- Discuss with their parents or carers homework expectations.
- Follow up on comments made by teachers.
- Seek assistance when difficulties arise.
Parents are to encourage children to complete set homework by:
- Being nearby whilst children complete their homework.
- Provide a calm environment to complete homework.
- Reinforce that homework time is not a long time.
- Contact the relevant teacher to discuss any concerns you or your child has with the homework.