Attend requested meetings to discuss student support - such as Guidance officer, referrals to specialists, Gifted Education Plans, Learning Support Plans, Behaviour Support Plans, or Individual Education Plans.
Provide their child with the requested resources and learning materials they need to learn.
Provide their child with enough healthy food and water for the school day.
Provide their child with a uniform to attend school while meeting the school dress code.
Pay school levies, text hire and contributions that may apply for some programs to the school or P&C (as appropriate) e.g. Recorder Books, Instrumental Music, Prep Year, Swimming, Excursions.
Stay current with school information by reading the newsletter (The Belltower), any classroom letters or notices, their child’s report card and behaviour profiles.
Let the school know if there are any problems that may affect their child’s ability to learn.
Inform the school of reason for every absence by phone message (46815160) or signed note.
Treat school staff with respect and appreciation.
Understand and accept that our school community expectations of behaviour apply in our local community also, and that while their child is dressed in their uniform, they represent the school.
Support the authority and discipline of the school enabling their child to achieve maturity and self-management.
Contact the classroom Teacher and/or school principal to discuss any concerns with regards to their child, their learning or their personal relationships with others.
Advise the school immediately of any changes in contact details - address, emergency contacts, phone numbers and email address (details update forms are available from the front office).
Abide by school’s policy regarding signing at the school office prior to gaining access to school grounds before, during and after school hours.
Attend school regularly, on time, ready to learn and take part in school activities.
Act at all times with respect, demonstrating our school values and behaviours towards other students and staff.
Work hard and comply with requests or directions from the teacher and Principal.
Abide by school expectations, meet homework requirements and wear our school’s uniform.
Respect the school environment.
Develop each individual student’s talent as fully as possible.
Inform parents and carers regularly about how their children are progressing.
Inform students, parents & carers about what the teachers aim to teach the students each term.
Teach effectively and to set the highest standards in work and behaviour.
Take reasonable steps to ensure the safety, happiness and self-confidence of all students.
Be open and welcoming at all reasonable times and offer opportunities for parents and carers to become involved in the school community.
Clearly articulate the school’s values and expectations regarding the responsible behaviour plan for students and the school’s dress code policy.
Ensure that the parent is aware of the school’s record keeping policy including the creation of a transfer note should the student enrol at another school.
Set, mark and monitor homework regularly in keeping with the school’s homework policy.
Contact parents and carers as soon as is possible if the school is concerned about the child’s school work, behaviour, attendance or punctuality.
Deal with complaints or concerns in an open, fair and transparent manner.
Consult parents on any major issues affecting students.
Treat students and parents in ways which demonstrate our school values and expected behaviours.